Wednesday, December 12, 2007

First commercial done and sold!

Hurraaay, our deal is now secured with our client (we will disclose later who it actually is, and post a link to the commercial).

This is great, because now we can prepare submitting it to the festival scene next year.

We know we will go for the grand Cannes Lions and probably also the Clio Awards and the London International Awards.

We are really excited about this because we believe our film bring with it a style and way of communicating that sets it apart from most of the rather flashy commercial work seen today.

So if we get nominated and eventhough we might not win anything, we hope that our film can create a buzz.

More will follow!

Monday, December 3, 2007


As with so many others before me, I'm now currently in the process of acquiring (or attempting to acquire) working permit in the US.


When I initially started researching this topic, and read all the articles, forms and whatchamacallit available online, it actually seemed like a piece of cake (albeit a kind of stale and boring cake) - nothing like the bureaucratic, spider webbed, haywired structures of Danish immigration laws, right?

How wrong I was it turned out...

In America is seems to work exactly opposite of how it works in Denmark:

In Denmark it seems very complicated. NO(!) impossible actually, when you initially start to skim the rules and regulations. It turns out however not to be that anal once the ball is rolling.

In America however, the devil is in the detail, and what seems easy and simple is just a trap set up to confuse the enemy and me.

There is so much devil in that detail actually that I only dared to do this through an immigration lawyer, which was not an expense I had foreseen or hoped for.

What experiences do any of you have with immigration to America?